We have inserted a custom mediation primitive named Router, and wired the Input node to its input terminal, as expected. 我们插入了一个名为Router的自定义中介元素,并按预期将Input节点连接到其输入终端。
If the named query does not return an object, the notFound terminal is fired. 如果已命名查询没有返回一个对象,则触发notFound终端。
This paper proposes a new multiple access control ( MAC) protocol named distributed synchronous reservation multiple access control protocol ( DSRP), in which the hidden and exposed terminal problems are solved, and the QoS ( Quality of Service) requirements for real-time traffic are ensured. 提出了一种MANETs网络中的多址接入控制协议&分布式同步预约多址接入协议(DSRP),解决了隐藏终端和暴露终端问题,并且为实时业务的QoS要求提供了保障。
In order to deal with such optimal control problems, an ap-proach named "terminal perturbation method" was introduced and applied in financial optimization problems recently ( see [ 10-13]). 为了处理这样的最优控制问题,最近终端扰动方法被引入,并且这种方法已经在金融最优问题中得到相应的应用(如[10-13])。